Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday, I'm in Love.

Listening to: Book of the Month by Lovage

Monday night- Missed GG. Made a cake. R was at the house.
Tuesday-Mom's bday. Still sick. S has staff infection.
Wednesday-Stayed home from school with S.
Thursday- Back at school. Played catch up.
Thursday night- Ate green beans. Still sick.

Not much new, we've (executive board) have pretty much been speaking to the class everyday we've had AVID. It's getting easier but I find myself staring off because I'm too nervous to look at the class. Thas about it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Executive Board

President- Adam
V.P.- Me
Secretary- Alexis
Treasurer- C
Public Relations- RayAnn

It's basically the year of the underdogs in my opinion. Except for RayAnn and Alexis who have both been on the board before and have both been President one time or another. I'm extremely glad RayAnn is the lowest position, I would not have been able to deal with her in a higher position dictating everything. Alexis I can deal with, I actually like her and I feel like she has the ability to give others a chance. C and Adam I have no problems with, I like them both, and I'm actually friends with C so it's gonna be fun. We'll see how this year turns out. I was so nervous during my speech ha, A and J both knew I was nervous as hell. On Monday we need to at least make a plan on how to decorate the A.V.I.D. board in the office. Armenta was thinking maybe putting pictures of each of us. But I'm thinking maybe photos of us all as a group. IDK what will happen but when I find out I'll let ya'll know.

Until next time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Exciting as Hell News

I ran for Vice President of my A.V.I.D. class and I won! Neutral news: No one ran against me. Although I am truly happy about being V.P. I don't feel as if I accomplished anything, all I had to do was give a speech (which could have been ridiculously stupid but wasn't) and I was in. Where's the feat in that? Whatever. The one thing that made me feel awesome was people LIKED the ideas I had. Lots of people smiled, gave me thumbs up, and even voiced their belief in my ideas. We haven't held elections for President yet but J, Klarissa, Adam, H, Tatiana, Nacary, Georgie (?), and someone else are running. I'm not sure who I will vote for yet, but I refuse to vote for someone just because they're my friend. My vote will be non-biased and for the person that is best for the job.

My classes are going okay so far. I don't really like my English or Adv. Algebra teacher but I can deal, they are ten times better than last year's teachers. I'm honestly keeping up with my homework, I copied J's Chem homework but only cause Gossip Girl was on haha, bad excuse. Ah well. And I'm socializing hah, I hung out with N & C at lunch today (no not Nate or Chuck, I wish.. no offence N & C!).

Penelope- 3 1/2 Stars (1/2 because they have the special Twilight scenes and interviews in it, I watched them like 6 times)


Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's been a while

Sorry I kept you waiting. There's just been so much going on! I have a s^itload of Algebra II homework, some U.S. History homework, a speech to revise, a stupid paper t-shirt to decorate, and I have to find a bunch of random items for Photo. I've been going, going, going, going all week, like the Energizer bunny. Aside from reading. I'll update my list ASAP. I'm glad to be back in school, but I feel a little overwhelmed if I actually sit down and think about everything I have to do. I made tortilla soup tonight, it was muy bueno. Hmm, nothing else honestly.

Movies I've Seen:
21- 4 Stars
Interview with a Vampire- 4 Stars (I didn't even notice Christian Slater was in it the other 10 times I saw it)
Donnie Darko- 3 Stars
My Sassy Girl- 3 Stars

Gossip Girl is back :) SO stoked. And 90210 is ridiculous, not even worth watching. But I'll probably watch it just for kicks. Have I mentioned I love Chuck Bass, he is divine. Also google Growing Up Cullen on livejournal, it is the most hilarious thing I have ever read in my entire life. If you read Twilight that is.... I have been texting N back and forth about it for the last week. Still can't get enough, I printed all 25 pages of the stuff. Also, Kellan Lutz, Robert Pattinson ♥ , and Taylor Lautner were in CosmoGirl. After reading it I like Mr. Pattinson even more, despite pothead rumors and big-headed ones also. I may be over my head with honors Chem....

I'll write ASAP.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Fuck it, the things I live off

Not sure about the title.

Since I got back there have been a few constants in my life:
-animal crackers (a costco size barrel of 'em)
-iced tea (massive costco water bottles with 2 starbucks black iced tea packets floating in them)
-fanfiction (this strange new obsession i've developed, it makes up for the atrocious, Breaking Dawn, esp. Robert/Kristen stuff) found on the marvelous &
-ace of cakes/food network (when I can't sleep and it's too late to be up the tv boops on and cakes fill my eyes)
-texting (I've been texting a friend for about 5 days straight, it's nice to have someone to talk to)
-fruit (mostly pears and peaches)
-soothing music (ie. Dashboard Conf, Damien Rice, Dandy Warhols, Phantom of the Opera [not exactly soothing])

Anybody else I bit upset about Stephenie Meyer's decision to halt the writing of Midnight Sun? I am royally pissed. Oh, wah wah so people have seen the first 12 chapters big whoop! We all saw the first two parts to Breaking-fucking-Dawn! Which I might add was less than desirable. Wouldn't you want to get the one book that might save you out there? I admit there were parts in Breaking Dawn I loved to death but I can't stand the mere thought of Renesmee. It's not right. If it were me I'd be racing to get the book printed so I could ensure that as many fans as possible would refrain from reading the leaked stuff. No, she's giving us permission to read it but also saying that because of it she might not finish the book?! That's bullshit. I've never known Mrs. Meyer to disappoint her fans intentionally but looks like the rise to fame has given her a supreme feeling of power. So go ahead Mrs. Steph write other books like the Host--which I might add I can't even get past the first chapter it's so dull-- see if we all rush out to buy them.

Sometimes, it feels like my dog was never even here. When we used to get home all the dogs would bark and whine until we let them in to say hi. I don't even bother looking for Mickey, or feeling like I should. I haven't ever even immediately after she died, there almost wasn't a sense of loss. It hasn't felt like something is missing. I don't feel anything about it. Not like I'm depressed, I'm not. It's just I know she was here, I love her still, remember her; but it's okay that she's not here. She'll always be my baby, I never thought it'd be so easy to let her go. I thought I would die.

I'm completely stoked about the Nov. 21 release for Twilight. I love that it got moved up. Haha, and that WARNER BROS. felt threatened by it so they moved Harry Potter back, A LOT. It's a laugh, I still like Harry Potter, but the liking towards it is nothing over the love I have for Twilight-Eclipse & Midnight Sun. It's like comparing gray to red (Twilight being red), the love is so much more vibrant and eye-catching. I would never re-read Harry Potter 10+ times.

Better go,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


One of the first classical songs I heard and enjoyed was Canon in D, it's this beautiful flowing piece best played on the piano in my opinion. It always makes me think back to the third grade, where I first heard it, with fond memories. I had this fabulous teacher who truly inspired us to be creative and not let school just be about learning the required material but learning about ourselves. I'll never forget her.

So, I am so glad to be back in the west coast. I've been home since Saturday and it's such a release to not feel like you're walking through a pot of soup. I have such an appreciation for dry heat now, honesty. I left a piece of myself there though, not fondly not because I was sentimental or sad to leave (I was jumping with joy) but because that bump in my life was done. It was a ring I bought the summer before freshman year. It held a lot of... love, pain, anger, and depression; that leg of my life is done. I will not let myself fall into that self obsessed shell I was. I loved the ring but I'm glad to have it long gone.

Movies I've Watched:
Cold Mountain- 5 Stars
Saving Silverman- 2 Stars
Mr. & Mrs. Smith- 3 Stars

Also, I we were in Vegas for a short time and I was able to see Phantom at the Venetian, it was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. The chandelier really moved, it crashed, swirled, put itself back together, and made sparks. The Phantom even hung from it. I must say they truly had an amazing Phantom, he really was magical, literally. He could make himself appear and disappear, he somehow got himself up to the strangest places. The singing talent was also remarkable. The theatre was REALLY transformed and MADE for the opera, it had 18th century mannequins placed in the box seats to create the atmosphere! I recommend it above any movie I've ever mentioned. If you find yourself out in Vegas get over to the Venetian.

I'm trying to think if there is anything else worth mentioning... just watching Dawson's Creek and Instant Star reruns mostly. Getting back on schedule for school, blah, blah, blah.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Movies & Christina Aguilera

The Messengers- 4 Stars
Transformers- 4 Stars

Kristen's performance in the Messengers was amazing.
Transformers got four stars for good action and robots with a good sense of humor.

So I've pretty much liked Christina Aguilera since the beginning and while I didn't enjoy her bad girl appearance during her Stripped tour/cd launch, I loved her voice. Even my father could appreciate her talent, he bought the Stripped cd after hearing her on Letterman :) I stole the cd later. I chewed him out for buying the cd and condoning her less clothed appearance (and I was only 10 then). But after I listened to in my opinion her best cd -lyric wise- I quickly loaded it onto my iPod. A year or so later I got really deeply into rock and punk, so far that I got rid of anything that wasn't, by then I was 11. At around 14 I saw the error in my ways, just because I really like rock doesn't mean I can't like other genres of music... so I quickly started exploring all kinds of music, aside from country and mainstream R&B. I'm now two years older and still looking at any music I can get my hands on; a few days ago I was organizing my cd shelf in my closet. I stumbled upon the Stripped cd case (the cd was missing), I immediately remembered all the amazing songs on the cd. I finished downloading the songs I liked yesterday and I must say her voice is like magic. My favorites on the album hands down have to be 'Walk Away,' 'Fighter,' and 'Get Mine, Get Yours.' The last because I love the beat. So I definitely recommend going out (or staying in, can you say iTunes?) and buying Stripped.

Ironhide: [brandishing large cannons] The parents are very irritating.
Ratchet: [trying to calm him] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Ironhide: Can I take them out?
Optimus Prime: Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans. What is with you?
Ironhide: Well, I'm just saying, we could... it's an option.

From Transformers